‘Until the Day Break’ was performed 30 times between May 16th and 21st 2017. Small groups of audience were escorted around the two graveyards at St Euny by character guides, ‘residents’ of the graveyards. On the journey other ‘residents’ told their stories, choirs sang, children played, suffragettes marched and soldiers tried to recruit us…



The story walks were produced, hosted and performed by a remarkable group of 150 local people, both professional and volunteer – performers, singers, stewards, researchers, writers, musicians, theatre-makers, stage managers, cake makers, tea-servers, groundsmen, designers…

Click here for a full list of the participants.



In October 2014 Sally Smith, was visiting family in Atlanta, Georgia. During the week before Halloween every year Oakland, the city cemetery, holds story walks where costumed characters tell the lives of its residents (http://www.oaklandcemetery.com/?event=capturing-the-spirit-of-oakland-halloween-tours ). The celebrated and humble rest together at Oakland – tycoon and pauper, Christian and Jew, black and white, powerful and meek, soldier and civilian. Visitors walk the graves and encounter performers and musicians animating these stories.

Sally was inspired by this. She wondered whether it would be possible to mount a story walk in St Euny church yard, a beautiful, melancholy place with many fascinating graves. St Euny is the Miner’s Church and its graves map the rich and varied history of Cornish life – stories of migration, fabulous wealth and intense poverty, infant mortality, mine accidents, trepanning doctors, cholera epidemics, long marriages (and very short ones). In the New Graveyard there are several war graves and many contemporary graves too. All providing a rich treasure-trove of stories.

Mary Woodlan, Head Curator at Oaklands gave us her blessing and gave us much invaluable advice. We were very honoured (and nervous!) when she and her husband came to Cornwall from Atlanta to see one of the performances of ‘Until the Day Break’.

courtesy of Oakland Cemetery


The performance travelled the two graveyards at St Euny. These two maps show the routes taken and the location of storytelling moments. If you would like to know the location of the specific graves that inspired our stories you will find a map next to each story. Click on a picture below to go to that story.

The storywalk began in the ‘New Graveyard’…

… continuing and culminating in the ‘Old Graveyard’.


The stories featured in 'Until the Day Break' are about, or inspired by, people buried in St. Euny churchyard


Some photos from the workshops, writing groups, choir rehersals and performances


The audience feedback to 'Until the Day Break' was incredibly positive




Mary Woodlan Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, USA; Caspar Bush, Olive Stephens, Angela Brown and Sandy Bennett of St Euny Church; Michael Tangye, local historian; Debbie McCrory and BBC Radio Cornwall; Falmouth University; Tamsin Mallet at County Records Office; Kim and Tristan at The Cornish Studies Library; Azook and cornishmemory.com; WILD Young Parents’ Project; Sharron Schwartz, historian; Anna Oliver at Fresca Marketing; Tim Hardy and WildWorks; Jack Morrison; Lin Smith from Ellsie Productions and Jenefer Lowe for costumes.

Perthi Kov would like to thank family members and friends of our St Euny residents, including the Gulliford family, Sue Thomas, Helen Raffles, Ross and Heather Williams, Pat Ince, Catherine Ince, Chris Treweek, Linda Beskeen and Robin Knights and family for sharing their memories and knowledge with us.

Thanks to everyone who attended our Tea Parties and shared their memories, and the many correspondents on Facebook who helped our detective work.



Arts Council England; FEAST; Cornish Mining World Heritage Site; Truro Diocese; Cornwall Heritage Trust; Cornwall Councillors Community Chest; Redruth Town Council; Redruth Charity Trust; Percy and Lily Reed Williams Foundation; St Euny Church; WildWorks; Fresca Marketing; Penventon Park Hotel, Redruth; Berrymans Bakery, Redruth; Tony Moyle Funerals, Redruth; David Hendy Funerals, Camborne; The Sewing Studio, Redruth.